Greetings once again from your friends at Life Chiropractic and Acupuncture serving Newark, North Bergen, and the surrounding areas. We produce podcasts and blogs as a public service to educate the general public about how and why Americans increasingly include chiropractic treatment in their pain management care plan. We offer a comprehensive approach to pain management that includes postural correction, spinal screenings, and a host of various pain management services and techniques.
Today, Dr. Hernandez focuses on the topic of inside ankle sprains. We invite you to listen and read along with Dr. Hernandez as he discusses this subject and provides insight about how chiropractic treatment can offer the most expedited path to healing inside ankle sprains. We take this moment to inform you that Life Chiropractic here in North Burgen, NJ treats a host of various sports injuries as well as a long list of back and neck injuries. Of course, we invite you to contact us anytime to learn the specifics of our approach to treat your specific ankle injury.
Now, on to Dr. Hernandez’s video.
Alrighty, Dr. Alex Fernandez here from Life Chiropractic and Acupuncture. Today, I want to discuss the mechanism on how we’re gonna fix an inside ankle sprain, and provide you with a review on basically what an inside ankle sprain is. Basically it’s when we roll our foot inward. So, let’s say that we’re running and we’re kicking a soccer ball and we got stuck on the turf. Or we’re running and we hit a small puddle and our foot rolls inward this way. This creates the sprain in the inside aspect of the ankle which is called your deltoid ligament. And the deltoid ligament, if we look closely, it’s a pretty large ligament in here. It also has a smaller ligament in this area - two smaller ones, and they’re all known as the deltoid ligaments.
So, I’m going to demonstrate here what we do to actually fix this thing. So, thce first thing I start out with is regular range of motion of the ankle. We go up and down and we go side to side. And we ask the patient which direction is causing you pain. When you have an inside ankle sprain, most of the time if I do this, it will generate pain to the patient and I know this is where the ligament injury is located. Usually they’ll be okay with me bringing it this way but not this way. And again, one of the ways we fix this is we begin with our soft tissue instruments, and we begin working the ligament throughout that whole alignment as you saw right in this area here. Ok? So we work all the fibers in all direction where there is pain. And as we do this we’re focusing on the major ligament, and we’re also focusing on this piece back ligament in here.
Now, the big question is: How long does it take to heal this ligament? Anywhere between four to six weeks before we can get somebody back to their function. The ligament takes a little bit longer per se to heal, but between four to six weeks, utilizing this, and of course one of our secret weapons is laser therapy. Ok? Laser therapy, what we’ll do is we’ll shine the light right into the ligament, in the frequency setting. And as we shoot this light, it’s going to allow the ligament fibers to heal a lot faster. So I can get you back to running, I can get you back to soccer, basketball, whatever your sport is, we get you back running.
So once again, four to six weeks, and that’s usually the therapy that we do here successfully. So until next time.