Hello once again from your team of chiropractic professionals here at North Bergen's Life Chiropractic & Acupuncture. Today, weβre going to cover a condition we often treat here at Life Chiropractic & Acupuncture: SI Joint Dysfunction.
Lower back and neck pain are the two most common ailment complaints coming into our office. Pain in the lower back can be sourced from a few different areas: lumbar spine, nerves in the lower back, disc pain, muscle pain, hip pain, referral pain from thoracic spine, or SI joint pain. The SI joint (sacroiliac joint) is the joint that forms between your sacrum and your ilium (pelvic bone). It's on the very bottom of your spine; there is one to the left and one to the right. It is an often-overlooked problem area which a lot of time is the cause for the lower back pain.
Patients will usually present with one sided pain on either the left or the right side. It will hurt most of the time when they are bending forward, as well as getting up and down from a chair, or getting into and out of their car. They can also have radiated pain down the leg if the sciatic nerve is being pinched from the joint being inflamed. A common muscle that causes issues down the lower back is the piriformis muscle. This little muscle attaches to your sacrum to your hip and in most people the sciatic nerve runs right through it or under it. If that muscle is tight, it can cause sciatic pain as well.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please make an appointment with Life Chiropractic & Acupuncture office and one of our highly trained chiropractic doctors will diagnose and treat the problem accordingly.